
I have vowed each and every January for many years to live a healthier life. Work out more, eat healthier foods, drink more water, less soda, you know the drill. And by each and every February I have failed miserably at being consistent with these well-intentioned aspirations. This year, I am trying to last longer than February. 

Williams-Sonoma makes juicing look so easy and delicious, but I'm not buying a juicer. I won't use it. I won't leave it out on the counter... I'm just not ready to make that kind of a commitment.

I have on occasion swallowed a shot of wheatgrass. Believe me when I tell you, I did not and do not enjoy it. I am overwhelmingly grateful that 1 oz of the stuff is all that's expected of me.

If you've never tried it, it tastes exactly like you would expect. Grassy. Liquid grass.

But my oh my the benefits of wheatgrass are startling...

1. 1 oz. of wheatgrass contains the same amount of nutrients as 2.5 pounds of green vegetables.

2. Restores alkalinity to the blood

3. Lowers blood pressure

4. Stimulates thyroid gland correcting obesity and indigestion

5. Sweetens the breath

6. Contains liquid oxygen and delivers oxygen to cells

7. Turns gray hair to natural color

8. Helps prevent tooth decay

9. Increases energy levels

10. Slows down aging process

11. Helps rejuvenate aging cells

12. Helps with weight loss

13. Is a healer because it contains chlorophyll, all minerals known to man, vitamins A, B-Complex, C, E, and K.

14. Extremely rich in protein (more protein than beef!) 

15. Is a powerful detoxifier, liver and blood protector

16. Fights tumors 

17. Contains beneficial enzymes

18. Decreases body odor

19. Helps with digestion

20. Neutralizes toxins in the body

Yes, that settles it. I'm going to attempt to make wheatgrass a part of my daily life. How about you? Have you tried it? 

(all images from Pinterest)


master bedroom change


rachel uchizono