New Website ~ Welcome!

I have been obsessing about working with Happy Menocal for months, but that was only one part of the process leading to a new and improved website. I had products photographed, a pop-up shop in my home, the new HM art plus super cute coordinating paper goods, and an ad in FLOWER magazine featuring said photography and art! To coincide with the ad, and the incredibly modern QR code, my new website would commemorate the 10 year celebration of The French Tangerine Shop!

I think the ad is gorgeous. I had a sweet photographer friend, Stacie Kinney do the photo shoot and it has been such a gift to have professional photos instead of my iPhone snapshots to choose from. My friend Kyle helped set up and she makes everything beautiful with her magic touch.

The ad is super simple with the text logo even though I could not WAIT to get into Happy’s art file. The most wonderful website designer threw this together in about 2 seconds. She also helped with my website design, and what a treasure!

I can’t say enough good things about my design and development team for the new website. I can be an annoying person to work with in that I obsess over details - to a fault. Sometimes it’s better to allow the professionals to do their job. They are experienced and they also obsess over details! That being said, I know what I like. The instant I see something, I can give feedback: This needs to move over an eighth of an inch, that green needs to be brighter, this font is too large.

Katie, the designer, put together designs for the multiple pages of the new website, and then Lindsey, the developer, who has helped me for many years, brought it to life and did the custom buildouts. I can’t tell you how impressive I am with their talent. I can go in and make some minor changes, but I can’t code. I can’t thank them enough for putting up with my multiple-emails-a-day personality. Truly, the dream team.

There will be some minor adjustments as we move through these first few days of newness, but I hope you will enjoy all the fun details here and there. Happy’s illustrations! Dear Lord… I’ll never not be obsessed.

I’ve already shared some of the art with you, and I hope you’ll explore the website to see some more surprises, but can I take a moment to share the new paper goods I ordered from the HM team?

This is exactly what I was hoping for when starting this journey. THE COLORS are exactly IT! Here you can see some shield shaped cards with engraved monogram and coordinating gorgeous tissue envelope liners. Also, a couple of striped shield note cards for quick notes in packages being shipped. Obsessed with my new business cards with the urn and tangerines. And how about the shield shaped notecards with embossed intaglios? Adore. Look at the packaging.


I’m not sure the amount of joy this brings me is normal, but I will take it.

I actually liked my previous logo and website, but when the spirit moves me, I am overcome with excitement. I was in the mood to obsess. I adore the process of working with such talented people - the nonstop inspiration and the beauty of the final product.

I welcome you to explore the website in depth. Go down the rabbit hole! See what you can see. I hope you find something beautiful! Now that I have this updated website, I look forward to introducing you to amazing new artists and incredible new inventory.

Keep an eye out for new posts… I’ll be back very soon! I will be uploading new inventory this week and next, plus I have new shells on the way from Capetown! Watch for those.

Follow me on instagram here.

Start your holiday shopping here.


Holiday Shopping


New Look for TFT