the monkey flower group
Was it the name that drew me in? Or was it the use of citrus fruits in these gorgeous arrangements? I can't recall, but regardless, I'm thrilled to have found The Monkey Flower Group!
Kudos to Luke Snyder Studio for documenting this beauty...
Can you see how I was completely overcome? Here's a softer look from The Monkey Flower Group... I like saying The Monkey Flower Group.
More citrus...
The Monkey Flower Group is a small floral design studio specializing in perfectly lovely botanical pieces to hold, wear, and share. They use locally grown flowers, natural fiber ribbons, and recycled/recyclable packaging, containers, and paper products. They basically rock on every level. Oh, and they're in Napa. Can you imagine a better place to be creating these special works of art? I can't.
Thank you to The Monkey Flower Group for allowing me to use their images.
To visit their website, click here
Thank you also to Luke Snyder for allowing me to use his photos. (The first six images)
To visit his website, click here